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UNYC is a telecommunications company that specialises in digital communication technologies for businesses. It moved its head office to a new premises in the centre of Le Mans, France – a modern new build with 6 floors. However, it found that although located only 250mt from all the operators, there was no mobile signal available inside the new premises. For a company that solves communication problems for customers, and that spends a lot of time on the phone to customers, this was not acceptable. They were losing sales as a result of the poor mobile signal.

They reached out to Topsat, a certified Stella Doradus Integrator who has many years of experience in solving mobile signal coverage problems.

Edificio de UNYC en Le Mans.

The Challenges.

Staff at UNYC spent a lot of time on business calls with clients, taking calls at all times of the day. It was extremely important for management that they would not be cut off when on a call, as they passed from the basement to any of the 5 upper floors. The building also contained an elevator from the basement to the 6th floor and they requested that calls and data should also hold when in the elevator. For example, when they parked their cars in the basement, if they were on a call, they did not want to lose the call when entering the elevator.

This company wanted the best solution that would future proof them, and that could guarantee perfect voice and data signal at all times and in all areas for staff and visitors.

Izquierda: iRepeaters cerca del hueco del ascensor. Centro: antena exterior. Derecha: la zona exterior del ascensor también recibe cobertura.

The Solution

After surveying the building and discussing the needs of the client, Topsat decided to install the iRepeater, (remotely managed cellular repeater), which amplifies all of the different operators’ networks for 5G, 4G, 3G and voice, and can be remotely monitored and controlled.

The signal problem in the elevator for this installation was an interesting challenge to solve. As in all elevators, no signal was present due to it being a metal cage. An antenna could not be installed in the cabin as cables cannot move up and down the shaft.

However, after doing some signal strength tests and with Topsat’s experience and expertise, it was decided to place antennas strategically in the shaft, where it was found to pass good signal to the inside of the cabin.

2 antennas were also placed in the stairwell to ensure that no matter where the staff took phone calls, they were sure to have full signal.

For the remainder of the building, 16x antennas were installed to cover the basement, the ground floor and 4 higher floors to ensure excellent signal everywhere.

The installation comprised of:

Installation time : 4 days with 2 installers.

The Result.

Señal a tope en los iRepeaters.

Full signal in all areas.

Management at UNYC are very pleased that the system ticked all the requested boxes. Now there is full voice signal and super fast 5G data for all staff and visitors in all areas of the building, including the carpark, the stairwell and the elevator.

Future proofed solution

The management are delighted with the result and happy with their decision not to cut corners by installing a less professional solution. They saved time and money as the system is future proofed and no further additions to the installation will be required. By using the excellent service of the operators and bringing it inside the building, as the operators upgrade their network, these upgrades will automatically pass inside the building via the iRepeater.

Remotely managed and controlled

By choosing the iRepeater, the system can be remotely monitored and managed. Any possible issues can be dealt with remotely and there is no need for routine inspections as the system will automatically alert the client of any deviations in signal quality. Because it can be remotely monitored and controlled, Topsat could be sure that everything was working optimally, without having to leave his office to check. All repeater and line amps are connected to the ethernet network.

They were particularly happy that the signal extended to the elevator as other systems were not able to guarantee such performance.

The system saves them money by ensuring they don’t lose sales due to poor signal.